Birth control pills for dummies
Birth control pills have estrogen and progesterone hormones; and they prevent pregnancy by stopping or delaying ovulation, thickening the cervical mucus and thinning the lining of the uterus.
Birth control pills have estrogen and progesterone hormones; and they prevent pregnancy by stopping or delaying ovulation, thickening the cervical mucus and thinning the lining of the uterus.
There are two main ways to prevent pregnancy after you had unprotected sex: emergency contraceptive pills and intrauterine device.
Overshadowed by its much popular counterpart – the external condom, the internal condom still has its fair share of fans.
Girls disproportionately account for those who have sex at a young age because for many, this is the only way to sustain their livelihoods.
Our sexual and reproductive health has lasting impact on all other aspects of our lives and hence demands great attention and care.
If you enjoy moaning and your bed squeaks, you might need a new sex regime.
We are here to demystify this part of the female anatomy that is often ignored.
With pandemic-related lockdowns and restrictions digitalising many aspects of our lives, it becomes ever more important to investigate how safe are the online spaces.
Uptake of contraceptives in Botswana has been on the rise, but long-acting reversible contraceptive methods still leave much to be desired. More information in these methods could help bridge the g...
An abbreviation for Intrauterine Device, an IUD stops pregnancy by preventing the sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg.