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Sex is fun...and messy, playful, intimate, tender, hot and joyous. Sex is many things and so is talking about it. In this space, we curate conversations, stories and tips about what sex means to us and our readers.
5 Nigerians talk about stigma around contraceptive use

5 Nigerians talk about stigma around contraceptive use

In a society like ours where sexual and reproductive health topics are still condemned to the “never to be spoken about” zone, contraceptive users live perpetually in the fear of being “caught” and...

Queer history: Pre-colonial LGBTQ+ cultures

Queer history: Pre-colonial LGBTQ+ cultures

Queer history dates back to ancient times in many cultures around the world but sadly, when we talk about it, it’s mostly centered around certain countries in the north-west.

Birth control pills for dummies

Birth control pills for dummies

Birth control pills have estrogen and progesterone hormones; and they prevent pregnancy by stopping or delaying ovulation, thickening the cervical mucus and thinning the lining of the uterus.