You can insert the sponge up to 24 hours before you have sex. Protection begins immediately after it is inserted and lasts for the next 24 hours, regardless of the number of times you engage in vaginal sex. It does take a bit of practice to use it correctly (4).
How to insert the contraceptive sponge
– Wash your hands with soap and water. Let them air dry.
– Wet the sponge with at least 30 ml of clean water. The sponge needs to be completely wet to activate the spermicide. Give the wet sponge a gentle squeeze in a way that evenly distributes the water.
– With the dimple side facing up, fold the sponge in half, upwards.
– Slide the sponge as far into your vagina as your fingers will reach. The sponge will unfold on its own and cover your cervix when you let go.
– Slide your finger around the edge of the sponge to make sure it is in place. You should be able to feel the nylon loop on the bottom of the sponge.
– You should only insert the sponge once. Do not reuse a sponge. When it is in, you can have sex as many times as you want.
– Once it is inside, you are ready to have sex!
– Leave the sponge in for at least six hours after sex, but it must not remain in for more than 30 hours after insertion.
How to remove the contraceptive sponge
– Wash your hands with soap and water.
– Put a finger inside your vagina and feel for the loop.
– Once you have the loop, pull the sponge out slowly and gently.
– Throw the sponge away in the trash. Keep it away from children and animals.