What is the withdrawal or pull-out method?
Withdrawal is one of the oldest forms of contraception. It is very simple – the man pulls his penis out of his partner’s vagina before he ejaculates. It is also known as “the pull-out method” or “coitus interruptus.” For this method to work, you need to do it correctly every single time (1).
How does the withdrawal method prevent pregnancy?
The withdrawal method is dependent on the male and his self-control. He needs to pull out before he ejaculates. This method works when semen is kept away from the woman’s vulva, so the male must understand his sexual response patterns (2).
When is the withdrawal method considered appropriate for a couple?
The withdrawal method may be considered appropriate for sexual partners who
– have sex infrequently;
– object to using any other contraceptive method;
– are waiting to start another contraceptive method; and
– have no access to any other contraceptive method (3).