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Sterilization or Vasectomy in Chile

Sterilization is a procedure, available for every person regardless of gender, that prevents pregnancy by either blocking the fallopian tubes or the vas deferens in order to obstruct the movement of eggs and sperm.
Sterilization or Vasectomy in Chile

Is sterilization widely available in Chile?

Yes, sterilization service is available at private clinics, public hospitals and health centers. 

Do I need a prescription to get sterilized in Chile?

No, you don’t need a prescription for sterilization in Chile. 

Is there any age restriction for getting sterilized in Chile?

Yes, you have to be 18 or older for sterilization in Chile.

How much does sterilization cost in Chile?

In Chile you can get a tubal ligation free of charge, and a vasectomy for around $351.400 Chilean pesos at public hospitals and health centers. In 2021, private clinics charged between $850.000 and $1.250 for a vasectomy, and around $1.487.957 Chilean pesos for tubal ligation, depending on the health insurance company.

Who can I contact for more information about sterilization in Chile?

You may check out Vasectomias PAD (vasectomiaspad.cl), contact APROFA (aprofa.cl), an NGO with more than 50 years of experience in the defense of sexual and reproductive rights; or the Chilean Institute of Reproductive Medicine – ICMER (icmer.org). 

Where can I read more about this method? 

If you want to get further information about sterilization, click here.

What can I do in the case of an unplanned pregnancy?

Visit safe2choose.org to speak with an expert counselor about the abortion options available in Chile. Counselors can also be contacted via email (write to info@safe2choose.org) or via live chat at safe2choose.org/abortion-counseling