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Implant  (Contraceptive Implant)

The Implant is a small plastic rod or capsule that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm. It is an easy, discreet, incredibly effective, long-lasting and reversible method, which can last up to 3, 4 or 5 years depending on the type.
Implant  (Contraceptive Implant)

Is the implant widely available in Argentina?

Yes, the implant is available at private clinics, public hospitals and health centers.

Do I need a prescription to get an implant in Argentina?

Yes, you need a prescription to get an implant in Argentina. 

Is there any age restriction for accessing the implant in Argentina?

Yes, you have to be 13 or older to get access to the implant in Argentina. 

How much does an implant cost in Argentina?

The implant is available free of charge at public hospitals and health centers. They are also provided free of charge through social security and prepaid health insurance companies.

What are the different implant brands available in Argentina?

The most widely available brand in Argentina is “Implanon”.
Chip anticonceptivo Implanon

Who can I contact for more information about implants in Argentina?

The National Ministry of Health runs a toll-free confidential line for any type of sexual health consultation: 0800-222-3444. The National Program of Sexual Health and Responsible Procreation provides more information at www.argentina.gob.ar/salud/sexual.

Where can I read more about this method? 

If you want to get further information about the birth control implant, click here.

What can I do in the case of an unplanned pregnancy?

Visit safe2choose.org to speak with an expert counselor about the abortion options available Argentina. Counselors can also be contacted via email (write to info@safe2choose.org) or via live chat at safe2choose.org/abortion-counseling