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Combined Pill Contraindications

Combined Pill Contraindications
Combined Pill Contraindications

Most women can take the contraceptive pill. If you are healthy, do not smoke, are not overweight, and have no medical reasons for not taking the pill, you can take it until you reach menopause. The pill may, however, not be the right method for you if:
– you smoke and are over 35 years old (for women over 35 years old, smoking while using the pill increases the risk of certain side effects);
– you are over 50 years old (you will need to discuss other options with your doctor);
– you have severe migraines with an aura (a bright area of lost vision in the eye before a very bad headache);
– you gave birth up to six weeks ago and are breastfeeding (you can however start using the pill after six months or when breast milk is no longer the main food for your baby);
– you have had diabetes for more than 20 years, which has affected your arteries, vision, kidneys, or nervous system;
– you have or have had breast cancer;
– you have had a stroke, blood clot in your leg or lungs, heart attack, or other serious heart problems;
– you have liver cirrhosis or a liver infection or tumor;
– you have gallbladder disease or are on medication for gallbladder treatment; and
– you are taking medication for seizures [9].
If you have any of the above-mentioned conditions, it is advisable to consult a qualified healthcare provider for contraceptive advice. You will be guided on the best contraceptive method for you.

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External Condom

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