The external condom in Liberia
Are external condoms widely available in Liberia?
Yes, external condoms are available at pharmacies, drugstores, clinics and hospitals.
Do I need a prescription to buy external condoms in Liberia?
No, you don’t need a prescription to buy external condoms.
Is there any age restriction for accessing external condoms in Liberia?
Yes, you have to be 16 years of age or older to access external condoms in Liberia.
How much does an external condom cost in Liberia?
An external condom can cost between 50 and 150 Liberian dollars.
What are the different external condom brands available in Liberia?
The most widely available brands in Liberia are UNFPA, Kiss, Durex, Fiesta and Star.
Who can I contact for more information in Liberia?
DKT Liberia
+231 77 566 4579
5585 (hotline)
Planned Parenthood Association of Liberia
Here more information about contraception in Liberia