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The Contraceptive Pill in Colombia

Birth control pills are tablets with a dose of hormones that prevent pregnancy. They are easy to swallow, 91-99% effective, and can have positive side effects.
The Contraceptive Pill in Colombia

Are birth control pills widely available in Colombia?

Yes, birth control pills are available at pharmacies, drugstores, Health Cooperation Agencies, supermarkets, department stores, private clinics, and public hospitals and health centers.

Do I need a prescription to buy birth control pills in Colombia?

No, you don’t need a prescription to buy birth control pills in Colombia. Yet, the legal framework indicates a consultation in contraception and family planning is necessary in order to choose the method that best suits each person.

Is there an age restriction for accessing birth control pills in Colombia?

No, there’s no age restriction to get access to birth control pills in Colombia.

How much do birth control pills cost in Colombia?

The Mandatory Health Plan indicates the free provision of this method. Sales through the private system range between 6 and 7 US dollars, depending on the brand and presentation.

What are the different birth control pill brands available in Colombia?

The most widely available brands in Colombia are Oblaise, Oceira, Femiane, Meliane Light, Microlut, Qlaira, Yasminiq, Activa 21, Lindella Suave, Asumate 20, Desabela, Dienille, Drospera 20, Ladee, Slinda, Femiden, Jolian, Rosina, Sibilla, Tejania, Belara, Belarina, Microfemin, Acotol ex, Arlette 28, Evely, Femelle 20 cd, Gynorelle 30, Norvetal, Bellaface, Bellanew, Gynets, Jex, Minipil suave, Sinovul, Yax, Cerazette, Mercilon, Zoely, Adella, Veroniq, Yael, Mesames, and Microgynon 30.
Qlaira anticonceptivos disponibles en toda ColombiaPastillas Yasminiq en venta en ColombiaAnticonceptivos belara pastillas anticonceptivas en ColombiaMicrofemin para qué sirve y dónde se consiguen en ColombiaEvely pastillas anticonceptivas en ColombiaPastillas anticonceptivas bellaface en ColombiaPastilas Zoely de venta en ColombiaAdella anticonceptivo disponible en Colombia

Who can I contact for more information about birth control pills in Colombia?

For more information on this or any other contraceptive method, you can visit orientame.org.co, profamilia.org.co, and jovenesvive.com.

Where can I read more about this method?

If you want more information about birth control pills, click here.

What can I do in the case of an unplanned pregnancy?

Visit safe2choose.org to speak with an expert counselor about the abortion options available in this country. Counselors can also be contacted via email (write to info@safe2choose.org) or via live chat at safe2choose.org/abortion-counseling.